
This library makes process of developing "Apply with linkedin" in few seconds. It generates a PDF from users profile as-well which can be send to consultants

It generates a PDF based upon users profile. Which you can send it to consultants

It is extremely easy to use

   $linkedin = new \Soroush\Linkedin\Linkedin($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);
   // check if user is logged in
   if ($linkedin->isLoggedIn()) {
   // save the users linkedin application as a pdf
   } else {
   // get the Linkedin login URL
   echo $linkedin->getLoginUrl();

If you want to make the user login again, just clear the token

 $linkedin = new \Soroush\Linkedin\Linkedin($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);
 // we cleared the tokens, so user needs to login again
 // this is best used in job website, to prevent visitors spamming



Get the package via composer

You would need to define it in your composer.json

   "require": {
   "soroush/apply-with-linkedin-php": "dev-master"

Then run

             composer update

Install the OAUTH extension

               pecl install oauth

The main reason why I have not used OAUTH 2 is because linkedin doesn't allows any way to delete the tokens. As a result, a user can click on "Apply with linkedin Button" and spam the website. With OAUTH1 we can delete the token and force the user to authenticate via linkedin anytime!

Application PDF

The package has one template, which displays the total CV generated from linkedins members profile So far it mentions the the total years and month experience of the member. You can add your own templates as-well


To use your own template you would need to pass as a parameter to asPdf();

$linkedin = new \Soroush\Linkedin\Linkedin($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);

                ->asPdf('applications/linkedin-application.pdf', 'custom-template.php');


How can I learn to design my own template?

Please have a look at the current template in Soroush/Linkedin/Format/PdfTemplates/template-1.php

What if I need more information from the linkedin member?

I will be adding a feature which you can mention the fields you need and let the library generate PDF based upon it

Having trouble with please contact me